Martin Burger, Matthias J. Ehrhardt, Lorenz Kuger, Lukas Weigand, 2024. Analysis of Primal-Dual Langevin Algorithms. preprint.
Matthias J. Ehrhardt, Lorenz Kuger, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, 2024. Proximal Langevin Sampling With Inexact Proximal Mapping. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences.
Martin Burger, Sven Jansen, Karsten Hölzer, Thomas Kaden, Lorenz Kuger, Henry Lösch, Sibylle Petrak, Tobias Rieger and Thomas Schönmuth, 2023. Multiple Scatter Correction for Single Plane Compton Camera Imaging in Nuclear Decommissioning. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 00, e202300281.
Lorenz Kuger and Gaël Rigaud, 2022. On multiple scattering in Compton scattering tomography and its impact on fan-beam CT. Inverse Problems and Imaging 16(5):1359.
Lorenz Kuger and Gaël Rigaud, 2021. Modeling and Reconstruction Strategy for Compton Scattering Tomography with Scintillation Crystals. Crystals 11(6):641.